3. Create and Render Glyphs

Marks and glyphs can be created using the mark method in the Scene class. For example, the following code creates a circle:

let circle = scene.mark("circle", {x: 50, y: 100, radius: 20});

The types of marks that can be created this way are: circle, line, path, rectangle, ring, text, and image. The other types of marks can only be created through the repeat, divide or densify methods in the scene class, these include: area, arc, pie, and polygon.

For each type of mark, check out its API reference for mark properties and their default values. All types of marks except text and image are represented as paths, consisting of vertices and segments, as shown in the object model:

Marks as Paths

The following code creates multiple marks and groups them into a box plot glyph:

let line = scene.mark("line", {x1: 150, y1: 130, x2: 700, y2: 130, strokeColor: "#555", 
                vertexShape: "line", vertexWidth: 1, vertexHeight: 30}),
    box = scene.mark("rectangle", {top: 110, left: 200, width: 400, height: 40,
                    fillColor: "#95D0F5", strokeColor: "#111"}),
    medianLine = scene.mark("line", {x1: 300, y1: 110, x2: 300, y2: 150, strokeColor: "#000"});
let glyph = scene.glyph(line, box, medianLine);

When a mark or a glyph is created, it exists as a JavaScript object. You can print it to the web console using console.log(mark), and inspect its properties. To render it on a webpage, we need to create a renderer.

Mascot offers three types of renderers: svg, canvas, and webgl. Renderers are created using the renderer function. For each renderer, we need to define a corresponding display in the webpage first. For an svg renderer, the webpage must have an SVG element; for canvas and webgl renderers, the webpage must have an HTML Canvas element. We can then render a scene to the corresponding display, for example:

msc.renderer("webgl", "canvasEle").render(scene);

Remember to call the render method whenever your scene is changed, so that the changes are reflected in the display.